80th anniversary of Stalin's forced deportation of Crimean Tatars
The Kyiv Post classic from 2018 marks the May 18, 1944, anniversary of the Soviet dictator's persecution of Crimean Tatars. The Kremlin is still at it today.
Kyiv Post chief editor Brian Bonner introduced the May 18, 2018, edition this way:
The lead story is the 6th installment of our Honest History project, timed for the anniversary of the May 18, 1944, forced deportation of Crimean Tatars from their homeland by Joseph Stalin. Many have returned to Crimea, only today to face persecution by Stalin's successor in the Kremlin, Vladimir Putin, who invaded and took over the peninsula in 2014.
Fugitive lawmaker Oleksandr Onyshchenko was once close to President Petro Poroshenko and the president's allies. He has released hundreds of messages that he says describe how top-level corruption is taking place today. But is anybody listening?
Interviews with General Yuriy Sodol and Norwegian Deputy Foreign Minister Audun Halvorsen.
Additionally, we have a double Business Focus - on Transfer Pricing & the Automobile Industry.
In Lifestyle, Then & Now takes a look at Yaroslaviv Val Street.
We also preview our upcoming conference on June 18 in Kyiv, "Bringing Peace To Syria & Ukraine." It will be a great event.
Thanks to all of you from all of us at the Kyiv Post.