Another reminder that Russia's war did not start in 2022
Russia launched a massive cyberattack on Ukraine and assassinated two of its top military leaders in June 2017 as the Kyiv Post chronicled.
Kyiv Post chief editor Brian Bonnerβs summary of the June 30, 2017 edition, which can be found here in PDF format:
We're at the halfway mark of the year -- and for the Kyiv Post print edition. We're very happy to be presenting our 14th edition of the Legal Quarterly - Interesting Lawyers: Part 2 today. Also, remember where to pick up your copy of the Kyiv Post if you are not a subscriber already:
As much as we want to write only good news, events get in the way. It appears that Russia has carried out a "double strike" on Ukraine, in the words of a police spokesman, by engineering a global cyber attack that hit Ukraine the hardest. And then its agents are the top suspects in the killing of two top military leaders in car bombs. The dangerous implications here don't need to be spelled out. If Russia can get away with it, what's next? The twin attacks happened on the eve of Ukraine's Constitution Day.
But the bulk of our 24-page edition includes a 10-page special focus on Ukraine's relationship with America, my country, ahead of the Fourth of July holiday. We thank our section sponsor Delta Airlines and advertisers Horizon Capital, Winner Automotive, American Medial Center, U.S.-Ukraine Business Council, and Coca-Cola for this one.
We've got some powerful stories, including my interview with U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Marie L. Yovanovitch, who set the record straight on the June 20 Oval Office meeting between U.S. President Donald J. Trump and Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko.
We bring home a poignant story from the war front on civilians who have taken to writing poetry to relieve stress from living at war.
Lifestyle continues to run down the summer entertainment options and put the finishing touches on the Lviv Jazz Fest by interviewing singer China Moses.
Much, much more as the summer celebrations continue, we hope, without any more tragedies befalling this great nation.