Independence celebrations over the years
The cover of the once-independent Kyiv Post on Aug. 27, 2020. Historical footnote: The Kyiv Post opened its new office on 68 Zhylianska St. on the last week in August 2020.
Kyiv Post chief editor Brian Bonner summarizes the August 27, 2020, edition, which can be read here in PDF format:
* "The Big Interview" is with Andrii Ovsiienko, chairman of the High Council of Justice.
* COVID-19 updates: Back to school on Sept. 1 and a ban on foreigners entering Ukraine until Sept. 28.
* Photos of Ukraine's Independence Day celebrations
* Top 10 tape scandals in Ukrainian history
* The corruption of Pavlo Vovk's Kyiv court
* Climbing Mount Hoverla
Note to readers: The Kyiv Post will move to its new headquarters on 68 Zhylianska St. this weekend. The old one on 31a Pushkinska St. has served us well for eight years, but we're happy to be leaving. All phone numbers remain the same.
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True, good point.
Nice article. One thing about a state which is both ancient and very modern is that many of your celebrations - such as Independence Day are a recent phenomenon and others decidedly less so.