It's déjà vu all over again with Trump
The same questions are being asked in Ukraine 8 years later as Donald Trump regains the presidency.
Here is Kyiv Post chief editor Brian Bonner’s summary of the Jan. 13, 2017, edition, which can be read here in PDF format:
Kyiv Post. Issue #1-#2. Year #22
The Kyiv Post is starting its 22nd year with Ukraine deeply troubled for three reasons:
-- How the nation will fare under a Donald Trump presidency;
-- Why some are calling on leaders to trade Crimea/Donbas for peace with Russia;
-- A relationship with the European Union that appears shakier.
We also update Ukraine's progress in increasing renewable energy sources.
We have a complete Lifestyle guide.
Also, there's still time if you haven't contributed to the Kyiv Post fund for a Ukrainian staff journalist to work at an American newspaper for six months.
Thanks to everyone. We look forward to serving readers & advertisers this year in Ukraine and abroad.
I’m very worried about what felon 47 will do. He doesn’t have a history of intelligent thought.