Kyiv Post classic: Ringing in 2013
It was the "good old days" of complaining about the service of the now-defunct AeroSvit Airlines.
This is Kyiv Post chief editor Brian Bonnerβs summary of the Jan. 11, 2013 edition, which can be read here in PDF format:
The Kyiv Post print edition is back in business with our first issue of 2013. AeroSvit -- the airline has canceled numerous flights, delaying hundreds of travelers -- is our top story. But check out these highlights also:
* Ukraine to answer for accusations of neglect of baby in prison;
* Hacked PR documents ("Nemyrialeaks") accelerate political war;
* Roundup of new cabinet;
* World in Ukraine - India;
* A lawsuit that heats up battle between the Education Ministry and a leading university, Kyiv Mohyla Academy;
* Five - count 'em 5 pages of opinions.
* All our regular Lifestyle offerings, including the 10-day Going Out Guide.
Next week's special Business Focus: Energy and Natural Resources.
Enjoy! Thanks to all readers and advertisers as the Kyiv Post enters its 18th year of life.