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The bonus inside this edition is historian Timothy Snyder's essay on Nazi Germany's attempt to subjugate Ukraine.
This is Kyiv Post chief editor Brian Bonnerβs summary of the July 7, 2017 edition, which can be found here in PDF format
I'm in London, covering the 3 days of Ukraine-focused conferences -- sponsored by Chatham House, the UK government and Dragon Capital. It turned out to be a great scene-setter for the big week ahead for Ukraine on the world stage. The 3 key events:
-- U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson arrives on July 9.
-- NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg comes July 9-10.
-- European Union leaders arrive July 12-13.
When all have left, let's hope that #Ukraine has received more financial and other support to prevail against Russia's war. We have an update on the casualties: At least 2,710 Ukrainian soldiers have been killed defending their homeland - the human toll. As far as the financial toll, the war has now cost Ukraine at least $50 billion that it does not have, by official estimates.
The big investigation, however, which is also the top story, is police brutality -- the Berkut official police thugs were officially disbanded after the EuroMaidan Revolution overthrew President Viktor Yanukovych. Still, the thugs have been reconstituted under President Petro Poroshenko for "special services." It's a must-read investigation showing that Ukraine's political leaders have not transformed as much as the rest of the nation.
We've also decided to print, word-for-word, over three pages, U.S. historian Timothy Snyder's brilliant analysis of Nazi Germany's attempt to conquer, subjugate and otherwise enslave #Ukraine during World War II -- the main aim, he says, of Adolf Hitlerβalso a must-read.
We analyze Lviv's garbage crisis and who is to blame (hint: politicians).
There is much more. Enjoy, dear readers, subscribers, and advertisers. The Kyiv Post team wishes all of you well.