Moscow has long contributed to the corruption in Ukraine knowing that this plus a disputed border would block entry into the EU and NATO.

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Agreed. The soviets imported their corruption-based economy into Ukraine.

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Corruption was one of the main reasons behind the revolution in Ukraine in 2014, that's for sure (yes, I was there).

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β€œI think the Ukrainian people have a stronger desire and determination to keep their freedom and liberty than those in the US.” This too is what impresses me about the Ukrainian people. We in the West have things too easy living of the lives of those who died for our freedom but unwilling to help Ukrainians keep theirs. I look forward to the day that Russia is defeated and Putin faces trial in The Hague for his war crimes. Slava Ukraini.

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A good, honest analysis of the situation. Unfortunately, I do not see Russia as running out of steam in a few months. Russia is drafting more soldiers - something that Ukraine needed to do a couple of years ago. The draft age needs to be lowered to 18. And women need to be a greater part of the army. I wish this didn't have to happen. But I don't see NATO sending troops anytime soon. Good luck!

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The perseverance of the Ukrainian people is amazing and we must support them.

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I learned a lot from this. I hope the war will end as soon as he says, but doubt it. Putin’s greed and evil has no limits.

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It is past time for Ukraine to reinstate death penalty for corruption that aids the enemy. In WW2 Canada, anyone found guilty of corruption such as kickbacks for food destined for military was risking death penalty. Actions such as dropping diesel off on a beach was certain death penalty. People were warned, and given hot lines to call. Imagine being a soldier who gets defective body armour? How that feels? Ukraine stop messing around!!

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Fantastic interview.

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