When somebody starts saying Biden should resign I stop listening. Enough said on that subject. Didn't read any further.

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You've just done an excellent job of demonstrating precisely why the Democrats are screwed. It's all about your cult hero, just like with the MAGA loons.

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Nope, not a cult hero. But a president who has accomplished a lot in 3Β½ years and deserves another 4Β½ years.

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Riiiiight. Accomplished SO MUCH. If graded on a curve.

I’ll take the meteor in 2024 over any of the above. Who needs D.C.

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I don't know what you are high on. When you come down maybe we can talk.

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Hah! Haven't heard *that* one in a while.

If you can't do better than stale rhetoric and canned insults, why even bother?

Biden's achievements are a sham, like American politics in general.

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Look at what you wrote when you are sober. Until then stop wasting my time

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