Vance, and all VPs, have NO real foreign policy duties. What JD wants isn't material. It's what Trump wants. It's what a SECDEF wants, its what a Joint Chiefs Chair wants, its what a National Security Advisor wants.

Vance and Trump both will have as much success abandoning Ukraine as Obama had closing Guantanamo Bay. Trump did closing the border.

There are campaign promises that when they meet the inertia of political reality just can never be delivered.

Think for a moment how invested the US DoD is in Ukraine right now. As well as MilTech companies. Do you think these relationships survive abandonment? No.

Do you think the Philippines or Vietnam or even Japan and Korea view abandoning Ukraine as a good sign? Are they more likely to agree to basing rights or less? Are they more likely to align with China or the US?

The die is cast on US involvement on Ukraine. That train has sailed.

Now, can Trump, Vance, et al do damage to the Ukraine support. YES. 100% but not without taking severe political damage.

In the end Trump is a 4 year lame duck president who will find it very difficult to staff a security cabinet with anti-Ukraine staff. Especially the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs and National Security Advisor.

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I haven’t listened to it yet, but I’m surprised you’re critical of JD Vance. He wants to end the war and end the slaughter of Ukrainian men. You may not like the end result, but it’s far better than Zelensky’s quest to fight to the last Ukrainian.

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THE WARS ARE EITHER WON OR LOST, there's nothing in between. To "end the war" means Ukrainians stop protecting their land and lay down their weapons, it means giving up 20% of the territory now and the rest in the future when russians re-group and re-arm. Essentially ending the war means losing the war.

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It was never β€œtheir land” It was given to them by the Russians, in confidence, over the centuries. They betrayed that confidence by electing to become a NATO member.

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Hmmm, you may want to open a history book, one not written in Moscow. Or is your comment a joke, sorry, I am not sure…

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Wiki? Show me the clear path of Ukrainian sovereignty. Which country continuously protected Ukrainians? Would you have preferred they stayed under Nazi control?


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….why don’t you Google β€˜Holodomor’, mate ?

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β€˜ On 10 November 2003 at the United Nations,[189][190][191] 25 countries, including Russia, Ukraine, and United States signed a joint statement on the seventieth anniversary of the Holodomor with the following preamble:

In the former Soviet Union millions of men, women and children fell victims to the cruel actions and policies of the totalitarian regime. The Great Famine of 1932–1933 in Ukraine (Holodomor), took from 7 million to 10 million innocent lives and became a national tragedy for the Ukrainian people. In this regard, we note activities in observance of the seventieth anniversary of this Famine, in particular organized by the Government of Ukraine. Honouring the seventieth anniversary of the Ukrainian tragedy, we also commemorate the memory of millions of Russians, Kazakhs and representatives of other nationalities who died of starvation in the Volga River region, Northern Caucasus, Kazakhstan and in other parts of the former Soviet Union, as a result of civil war and forced collectivisation, leaving deep scars in the consciousness of future generations.[192]’

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Stop watching Fox or any of the CONservative media who only blab Russian propaganda, maybe. Maybe you’ll what’s really going on.

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Actually, the land is Slavic land. Eventually taken over by Nords, taken by Europeans, retaken, lost, retaken, lost, retaken, lost, and on and on. Trying to pick a place in history, as Putin does, to suggest some kind of original ownership is pathetic. It's fruitless pseudo-history. A Russian "manifest destiny". Also known as BULLSHIT that sounds good used to serve another purpose. The purpose in this case is to goad cattle like yourself into becoming useful idiots. Mooo.

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Are you also a felon-shady Vance twin? Ukraine is not PUTIN’s land!!

Everything was fine until Putin wanted MORE. He had all of Russia, but he’s a greedy PFFT just like TheFelonWhoWantedHisVPHungByTheMob he instigated!!

I guess you don’t realize Ukraine vs the Russian Dicktater is the same terrible game as TheFelon vs The Constitution.

Putin and Trump are the Bad Guys here. Time to stand up to lying agressive narcissists. And Time to split up mega corporations who are too big for their britches.

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Bullsh’t! Have you seen all the YouTube videos that Ukrainians are posting of all the dead Russians/No Koreans/ or whoever Putin has made deals with to send their innocent men??

Putin is a greedy-narcissist SOB just like Trump. The Felon has he’s always admired the dicktaters so wants to go after Panama Canal, Greenland, and Canada to make it β€œthe 51st state”….just like his idol! Don’t pretend you haven’t heard him say that.

Dead Russian troops are somewhere around 800,000 last I’ve heard. Russia doesn’t admit it bc he’d prob face a reckoning if he announced it. His supplies and tanks are being blown up, and dwindling, which is why he’s asking No Korea for help.

How you or your son or grandson, like to be forced to invade other countries, all because an as$hole is president and he declares he wants it?!!

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Apparently, these podcaster’s goal is for as many Ukranians to die as possible.

They should burn in hell. How can you be in favor of the continued slaughter of hundreds of thousands of people all for the sake of American empire? Are you just pure evil????

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