It’s a make or break time for Ukraine-I think Trump will find it more difficult to resolve the issue and it is Europe’s moment…as I read this I couldn’t help thinking that Western European ideals sound familiar to “Wokeism” (this is a positive not negative) in that Putin hates modern ideals…can Europe focus and get together to support Ukraine…does it break with NATO because NATO is too focused on US involvement?

In the end Slava Ukraine and I hope Russia dissolves under its own putrid Putin weight-go fuck off Russia!

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You two grumpy old men speak very eloquently about what’s at stake and the sacrifices so many have made to be free. It sounds like shouldn’t everyone want this? Instead we get control, manipulation, force and violence. We in America are working hard to keep free..some of us have slipped down the rabbit hole but now are waking up wondering how did we get here? Those of us who care are on your side please believe.

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An excellent essay that pulls no punches in its delineation of freedom versus slavery and makes me ever more aware of a book I've read 4 times: 1984. There is a reason why Ukrainians refer to Russia as Ruzzia and the Russian and North Korean soldiers who are dying in battle at a rate of well over 1,000/day as orcs. They represent the suppression of thought as well as the freedom to act as one wishes and believe as one believes, and they must not win in Ukraine.

Poland under Tusk knows this as does Sweden, Finland, the Baltic states and most of Europe, and my hope is that Trump will come around to realize that Killer Putin is not a friend of the United States and the West and that the power and wealth of America should be on the side of freedom and dignity. My hope for 2025 is that the ruble, which is now worth less than a penny, continues to crash in value and brings about the rapid decline of the Russian economy, one which will see the end of the Putin era and the withdrawal of remaining Russian troops from every inch of Ukraine.

Slava Ukraini. Slava Heroyim!

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Excellent thank you

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Two grumpy old men - thank you for writing, spreading the information, and educating. Please continue. Your article is what I could have written myself. But constant, coordinated, continuous effort is needed to build awareness on this, because the trolls spreading counter-information also work full-time. My recent essay: "This is our war".


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TYPO? "Putin is striving to ensure that the relationship between Poland and Ukraine remains stable."

I think you meant the relationship between Russia and Ukraine.

It is astounding that Europe is even thinking about surrendering the achievements of World War Two— stable borders in Europe.

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No typo. Ukraine and Poland are becoming very close due to Putin’s aggression.

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But is that what Putin wants? Is that his goal?

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He is a barbarian bent on world domination. His goal is to control the entire European continent. Just listen to what they say on Russian propaganda.

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Great comedy.

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