May 29Liked by Two Grumpy Old Men on Ukraine

Every American administration position or stance on Ukraine should be viewed from the perspective of 'how does this help Biden win the election?' Sullivan believes he is giving good advice to Biden in that light. He doesn't give 1 flying F what impact his advice has on Ukraine, that's not his job. His job, like every member of Biden's administration, is getting Sleepy Joe 4 more years.

The American voter's mind comes in two basic variants - isolationist or globalist. Trump is at the isolationist end therefore Biden gets the globalist end. Trump is selling the idea of ending the war, no more billion dollar donations to far off places we know little of. After Afghanistan (Biden did almost lethal damage to himself in the way he handled the withdrawal that Trump had signed up to) and Iraq, America has had enough of forever wars. Isolationism is inherently appealing to Americans, less than half of which even have a passport. So, Biden has to come across as wanting to end the war as well, not as Sheriff Reagan (jeez, we so need you now Ronnie) clearing the criminals out of Dodge, regardless of whether that would actually be the correct thing to do, morally or militarily. Americans aren't electing sheriffs as presidents any more. Biden or Trump, Ukraine is getting no help where it counts.

So, what's the take out? Ukraine has to get out from Uncle Sam's thumb. It needs to develop its own missiles and the Frankenmissiles (combining Russian and US materials to make a missile) it has already made (how did that Tupolev Tu-22M get blown out of the sky 300 km into Russia?) demonstrates it can. Ukraine needs to be working with the Europeans to rapidly improve their UAV's and missiles, and develop their own. A Ukrainian ATACMS or Tomahawk is quite feasible with some help from Airbus, Thales or BAE in the very near future.

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(Sadly) some very good and relevant points. Not least re what Ukraine needs to do. But that will not solve the short-term problem, Putin’s pummeling them. Thank you.

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Agree. Short term, Biden can authorise Ukraine to attack Russia. Immediately.

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