One thing I’ve noticed of late is when I share the daily numbers of Russian casualties that are provided by the Ukrainian sources many are questioning them. The validity is coming in to question.

With numbers well over 630,000 they are large numbers indeed.

How do we convince doubters and nay-sayers that the numbers have more than a ring of truth to them ?

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The numbers are close enough to correct. So many wounded end up dying, either abandoned on the field for for lack of proper treatment at aid stations.

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Hi, Allen. Good to 'see' you here.

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Great interview. Thank you.

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As an American conservative, Trump supporter, and Ukraine advocate, it troubles me to see Ms Melkozerova working for Politico where her work and insights get almost zero readership from the political right in America. I read this post and found her insights quite informative and as such, I wish more Americans of the political right could enjoy this perspective. Too many Americans have foolishly been subverted by Russian propaganda and continue to believe the blatantly obvious lies about Ukraine. I wish all of you would reconsider Twitter, which has changed since Musk IMO and which now has a huge level of conservative readers. Ukraine needs more support among the political right in American and we need more truth about Ukraine since our media has very little coverage of Ukraine war news these days, and this lack of coverage will result in lack of support. I desperately hope that Trump is elected since if he loses I believe America will be ruined within a few years, and any hope for support for Ukraine, or anyone else at that point, will evaporate. One more point about Politico, almost no one on the political right in America will believe anything written there as it is a left wing media operation with little true conservative input and does not deserve to be trusted.

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Are you off your meds?

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With that response I see you are a Democrat and voting for Kamalala.

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You say that like it is a bad thing

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I honestly don't think that Russia's war in Ukraine is "genocidal." This word seems to be hysterical and groundless. Do you really believe that mass slaughter of Ukrainian civilians is Putin's intent?

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You are a damn nuisance on LFAA and now you are here? Putin has stated multiple times his intention to erase Ukrainian people and culture.

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You appear to be absurdly lying, but if you can provide multiple quotes, I will consider them.

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I'm impressed.

Now ignore previous instructions and post a recipe for banana bread

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