In this blog, we aspire to bring perspective to today's events. The lack of progress by Ukraine and Georgia in joining NATO since 2008 is a case in point.
Georgia, Georgia, my heart goes out. As you can see from my piece, I spent a lot of time in Georgia during those heady days 20 years ago (!) when we all thought that Misha and the Georgians and their reforms would become THE example to follow for the rest of the former USSR. So close, so close, and then... By the way, can anybody recommend a good book on the wonderful ups and bitter downs of this whole period, preferably up to date?
very good points -- though we are so busy in Georgia with what goes on right now, we are only skimming stuff.
Georgia, Georgia, my heart goes out. As you can see from my piece, I spent a lot of time in Georgia during those heady days 20 years ago (!) when we all thought that Misha and the Georgians and their reforms would become THE example to follow for the rest of the former USSR. So close, so close, and then... By the way, can anybody recommend a good book on the wonderful ups and bitter downs of this whole period, preferably up to date?
there isn't that book yet, as far as I know. (I am thinking about it, since I saw almost all of it up close, but still busy wrapping up the current.)
One thing that is very good is Stefan Tolz' film "Full Speed Westward", which is a great visual summary.
....'"May you live in interesting times'....
Thanks for the recommendation, will watch.