“Why on earth the Trump administration would want to sow insecurity and unpredictability in Ukraine in the run up to negotiations is difficult to understand.” Its obvious - Trump is a Manchurian Candidate. For what ever reason Trump is Putin’s puppet and the USA is doing nothing about it.

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This whole thing has an "Alice-in-Wonderland" quality. There is no truth one can hold on to except from Ukraine. And everyone else is doing their best to cause chaos. Zelenskyy seems to be the only adult in the room .... of the Trump and Putin's Crazy House. So damn sad.

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Trump is just following the script the Kremlin gave him. Putin feels his best chance to divide and conquer Ukraine is to attempt to discredit a strong leader, Zelenskyy, rig the election (because why take chances- Putin has rigged his elections for years) and replace him with a weak puppet regime.

It's possible Putin has bribed Trump with sharing those mineral resources- which greedy corrupt Trump would love - or personal riches Trump can stuff his cheeks with. Another possibility is that Trump is afraid of Putin, if you remember Putin, for the first time EVER, congratulated a US pres. (Trump) on his election win 2024.

Also remember those thinly veiled threats by Putin's close aide Patrushev(former FSB) a few days after Trump won, saying Trump owes "obligations" he is expected in return? And the interview went so far as to add that Trump should Take Care, because assassination attempts had already happened, and next time, who knows?

Could be any reason - greed or fear - but Trump has certainly turned into Putin's bitch rather fast, despite Trump having #1 military #1 economy advantage. Trump has no ideology, just corrupt, greedy and self serving.

Andy Borowitz had a great idea on his substack - Zelenskyy (his actual approval rating is higher than Trump's) "Bowing to Donald J. Trump’s demand, on Wednesday Volodymyr Zelenskyy said he would call an immediate election with the condition that it be held in the United States and he be permitted to run for president."

I'd vote for him! Leader of the Free World - he'd uphold the ideals of democracy and freedom!

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All of the harmful domestic and foreign TrumpMusk are doing to America makes perfect sense if Trump is #PutinsBitch, no?

It’s not like that wasn’t Trump doing likewise in Helsinki.

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trump is in it for himself and putin, he wants to monotise everything, meaning more cash for himself. the eu and canada will form an economic and military partenership, this will choke russia,, unless trump arms putin

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