Most of the world, besides brutal dictators, worry about a trump victory. Brutal dictators know that all they need to do to get what they want from trump is to flatter him.

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V.P. Kamala Harris is who Ukrainians should want to win the U.S. election. Here’s whyβ€”Trump will not exert any energy on Ukraine’s behalf. He will do whatever Putin wants him to do. When he says he will end the war in Ukraine on Day One of his presidency, he essentially means he’ll hand Ukraine over to Putin. He simply doesn’t care about Ukraine, Europe or NATO. He cares only about himself. The only circumstance in which he might β€œcare” is if Ukraine offers him something he wants.

Having said all of that, I sincerely doubt Trump will win. What worries me is what he’ll do after the election is over. I’m not talking about violence at the Capitol, Washington is prepared for violence. I’m talking about what will happen in Court. But, that’s not relevant yet.

The perception of President Biden as being β€œtimid” with regard to Ukraine, is because the other political party, the republicans, have controlled the House of Representatives for the last two years. Like Trump, they want what Putin wants. President Biden has been pressured by republicans to stop sending military equipment and munitions to Ukraine.

The way our government is set up, it requires both the Senate and the House to vote on whether they want to continue to aid Ukraine. Biden is technically unable to send aid without their permission. I could be wrong, but I think Biden has found a temporary way around that requirement until after the election. If Kamala Harris wins the election and if she has a Democratic party majority in both the House & Senate, I think she will work with Ukraine to provide assistance. Unlike Trump and republicans, VP Harris doesn’t β€œowe” Putin a thingβ€”as far as I can tell.

Here’s another opinion from meβ€”I’m sure you know Russia has had over half a million casualties and has now arranged to have Korean soldiers fight on Russia’s behalf, which leads me to believe Putin is under pressure to end the war, but I don’t know where it’s coming from. I also think he’s behind some of the middle east violence in an attempt to distract the U.S. from Ukraine. Again, that’s my impression. I don’t have any special knowledge others don’t have.

As far as Ukraine giving up territory in exchange for peace, everyone knows it would be only a matter of time until Putin starts trying to take more territory. So only Ukraine can decide if it would be worth it. I can make a case for either.

As you said, winter will be very harsh and it has

to be factored into Ukraine’s overall strategy.

I’m thinking neighboring countries should be

pressured to help above and beyond what they

have already offered, regarding both energy and food. After all, chances are some of them are next

on Putin’s list. Has solar power been looked into, or are winter months too overcast for solar to help?

One more thing, how involved is the U.N.? Or

maybe they’re not involved at all. Ukraine was

one of the founding members of the United

Nations when it joined in 1945 as the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic; along with the Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic, Ukraine signed the U.N.Charter when it was part of the Soviet Union. If Ukraine thinks that fact can be used to extract more assistance from the U.N. they should use it.

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it was some republicans who got the relief for ukraine through congress, they gave biden 42 days to come up with a plan for ukraine to win, biden and sullivan dumped it in the trash can

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Yes, I’m aware republicans were initially very helpful

with regard to Ukraine. But over time it faded. I didn’t know about the plan for Ukraine to win or any ultimatums from republicans.

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it was put in writing biden got 42 days to come up with a victory for ukraine, due to illness i am unable to hunt for quotes, but bing should suffice

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one good thing from ukraines point of view is, joke sullivan will be history

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