
I passed your piece to Lady Harris (who is a member of our House of Lords). She is drafting a speech about Ukraine and the Ukrainian refugees in the UK and has asked if she can reference your article

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Of course, thank you, the more real information out there, the better.

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I’d like for jd Vance Trump and Johnson forced to watch this.

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I hope so too…perhaps this will happen someday & someday soon. We can only hope & pray for this to happen & if it does, for the replacement of Putin to not begin any more wars!

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The corruption of the soul runs deep in Ruzzia. Putin is what feeds rhe paranoia and darkness.

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All this sounds like a Putin disinformation account and followers blaming β€˜the West’ . Two grumpy old men … stay grumpy . Adios and unsubscribe.

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You sound like a Putin or Mafa troll good you are leaving enough ignorance in the world.

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as the than German Foreign Minister, Josef Fischer, begun talking 2003 with this Tymoshenko and the silly colourfull "revolutions" begun till this woman even became president all those real investors began packing up. Including Russian companies. Every body knew the locaust will replace them. Then 2007 Munich sec conf & Putins explanations totally surpressed by wage-dependent journos, for everybody with a bit of phantasy the route became clear.... I would give the little girl ALl print-outs of ALL OSCE sit-reps from 2014 to 2022.

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Sadly, for the little girl and the closing in of a million casualties, the story is this war never should have happened at all. She will not be cheered that the genesis of this war started with the collapse of the Soviet Union and unification of East and West Germany. She will not be happy to learn that Neocons in the West along with a compliant NATO relentlessly expanded NATO into a new country on the Russian border. She will not be happy to discover the U.S. poured $5 billion dollars into the effort to overthrow a duly elected government in 2014. The U.S., with its Monroe Doctrine, forcing NATO expansion across a red line that had been clearly demonstrated. She will not be happy to find that the world is now closer to nuclear confrontation since the Cuban missile crisis. That this entire war could have been avoided if spheres of influence had been respected and negotiated. Instead promises were agreed and broken.

She will find, the Ukraine war was provoked by relentless NATO expansion. We knew the Ukraine was a red line, and Biden and the Neocons pushed anyway. Putin proposed peace, under reasonable terms three times. We did not respond. We made up a lie that we were surprised. We weren’t. A million casualties later and the Ukraine is losing and the prospect of WW or worse is in play. A war that never should have happened.

She will learn that the U.S. has a Monroe Doctrine. So did Russia. That the U.S. crossed the line. She will find the Russians attacked and did what what the U.S. would have done long ago.

It’s all there for her to see. A good read on how the U.S. and NATO policies led to β€œcrisis, war and the risk of nuclear conflict β€œ. β€œHow the West Brought War to an Ukraine β€œ , Benjamin Abelow. A concise examination of how U.S. and western policy as regards to NATO and Russia since the fall of the Iron Curtain has led us into the present conflict.

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Russian propaganda much? Russia invaded a sovereign country. They had choices but they chose poorly. NATO doesn’t start wars. It defends members. Is it too difficult to see that if Putin gets away with this then he’ll do it again? Does it not occur to you that Russia also signed the Budapest Memorandum in exchange for Ukraine giving up nukes?Freedom is difficult to give up once you have it.

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She will not be happy that a power hungry pin head who distorts history to justify his actions killed her father so that Russian History credit him with reunification. She will not be happy that Russians under Stalin starved and killed millions of Ukrainians for another set of political goal. She will not be happy that her father was killed by Russian invaders who had no right to be there. None.

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But why have Ukrainians handed Putin his ass on a platter? Your ramblings completely miss the point and highlight your lack of critical thinking skills. Putin and his criminal organization are war criminals. They need to be and will be held accountable for their crimes. Your rather weak and pathetic attempt to fluff Putin’s feathers is comical.

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David, you have been hooked, lined, and sinkered by russian propaganda. Or, you are an active participant in it and are trying to hook, line, and sinker weak minded fools such as you appear to be.

This war has one reason and one reason alone: putin.

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Hey Ryan. You are wrong. Sad you buy the Neocon itch, hook, line and sinker. Putin is defending Russian sovereignty as any Russian leader or American President would. The Ukraine is strategic and in Russian sphere of influence. We knew. Educate yourself and read the book I mentioned. If you like video watch this.,


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You are completely wrong. You should listen to Ryan Tracey. He is right you ARE WRONG PUTIN PAYROLL TROLL.Idiot!

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You are so full of Putin shit you must be on his payroll

You use a little girls grief to spout Putin and Maggat propaganda. Get educated or shut up. Your lies are as transparent as your ignorance.

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Shame on you.

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Oh shame on you for spouting Putin trash. Shame on you BOY!

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This is a war brought on by America and NATO in order to wage a proxy war against Russia and to loot Ukraine’s resources.

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You’re either drinking MAGA Kool Ade or you’re a Russky Troll. Oh yeah. Sure. NATO is big problem for fearless leader of Russia. Tell me smart guy, aside from NAZI germany (the US allied with Russia back then), when was Russia last invaded by creepy Western forces? That would be Napoleon in the early 19th century.

And I have news for you. The west doesn’t want Russia but they are willing to accept applications to the world of self determination, democratic government and peaceful coexistence. Russia seems to have a problem with that.

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Just to elaborate on the invasion point. The Napoleonic wars started in large part because European monarchs were fearful that with execution of Louis XVI regicide would spread to their kingdoms. Their solution was to attack France as a way of putting an end to the idea of civil revolution. The plan was foiled and France and General Napoleon became a dominant force in Europe. So a little paranoia such as that exhibited by Putin with his attack on Ukraine is just another example of paranoia run wild. Putin simply doesn’t want the citizenry to be exposed to the higher standard of living that the West can offer. Thus the paranoia…he wants a buffer. Old thinking as if Napoleon was at the gates of Moscow.

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Georgia war in 2008

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Same issue. Just can’t deal with democracy.

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Go educate yourself. What bs.

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Oct 6
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Excuse me but MAGA has nothing to do with the fact that NATO couldn’t beat a girls high school basketball team in a firefight.

The use of Ukraine as a proxy to wage war on Russia has failed. Ukraine is on its way to extinction, having lost half her population. This ends when NATO accepts that they cannot beat Russia by sacrificing Ukraine

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Okay, Boris. You've earned your potato.

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You are so off base and ignorant. Ruzzia is the cause and you're delusional. Stop your Putin garbage. Your are a Ruzzian proxy acting like you aren't brainwashed. BS,BS,BS. .

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β€œThe Russian Armed Forces are advancing in Ukraine at an "unprecedented pace"

This is stated in an article by The Washington Post. They calculated that in August and September, about 820 square kilometers came under Russian control.

The newspaper's experts suggested that this is facilitated by improved Russian tactics, improved communications for coordination, and the Ukrainian Armed Forces' attack on the Kursk region.”

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You are so out of your weight class Ruzzian troll.

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See you in Kiev!

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Your point? They are still in a Sovereign nations territory? You delusional bastatd. Putin payroll troll.

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If losing the war makes you so mad maybe find something else to worry about, this can’t be healthy for you.

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Putin, you say, is a β€œbitter, corrupt and brutal old man.” When you put it that way, it’s easy to see your saintliness. Thank goodness β€œour side” is not touched by human nature.

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Our side is far from my up of saints - read the piece, please, its in there - but at least bitter, old, corrupt men in the West rarely go invade Ukraine.

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Unfortunately Joe Bruno they forgot to add murderer, liar and POS that would have completed the description.

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Yeah, they could have added that we are murderers and liars too, as we are, you are correct. However, I do not think they should say anyone is a Piece of Shit, and I think it is unbecoming of you to do so. Where is your dignity ma'am?

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Joe…don’t say β€œwe”. It appears that you are”them”. Troll much?

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Yes, you are them, that is correct. Remember, β€œwe have met the enemy, sir, and it is us.β€œ

PS what does that mean, troll much?

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BTW…Don’t even try to argue that you are on higher moral ground. After what Russia has done to Ukraine underStalin and now under Putin, you have NO basis for criticizing US support of Ukraine, NATO or any other western democracy.

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You seem to be pro Putin. Possibly a paid Putin troll. Not to difficult to grok.

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The correct spelling is β€œtoo difficult”. It’s TOO not TO.

As for telling someone they are pro-Anything, well aside from it being foolish of you it really is not germane. But now that you brought it up, I should tell you the truth. I am pro John Citoyen, I wish you the best and I really don’t give a shit what you think because what you think isn’t really who you are, it’s just noise in your head.

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Perfect retort. I blocked the mansplaning troll I love that he is such a self-righteous hypocrite.

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Where is your brain boy. Your the typical Maga ignorant trash.

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