Sep 25Liked by Two Grumpy Old Men on Ukraine

As a business man he is unable to view relationships through anything other than a quid-pro-quo mentality, where you don't get money for nothing. The bigger picture is beyond him. I don't think I've ever seen a political leader with so little understanding of foreign policy than him, except for a few tin-pot dictators from 3rd world countries.

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Sep 25·edited Sep 25Liked by Two Grumpy Old Men on Ukraine

I really can't think of Trump as a 'business man', because he's so remarkably incompetent at business. I forget how many times he's declared bankruptcy - wasn't it around half a dozen times? And failing at a casino in Atlantic City? I really can't get my head around the possibility that anyone could fail at a casino in Atlantic City. The only areas in which he's had moderate success were renting out large apartments and suites in Trump Tower and especially in the converted Post Office near the White House. The Saudi's and other ridiculously-rich Middle Easterners gobbled those properties up as they came with the possibility of influencing government policy at the top levels when he was President.

He did build some reasonably-successful golf courses, although some haven't done that well, like the Doral in Miami and some of his golf courses in Scotland where, come to think of it, he annoyed the locals for violating environmental laws and unleashing his derogatory charm on the Scots. Not a successful business person, no way, no how.

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Haha, all true! Maybe I should have said he thinks like a bad business man.

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Sep 25·edited Sep 25Liked by Two Grumpy Old Men on Ukraine

He doesn’t care he just makes it up and goes for what he thinks will most shock especially his core supporters

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Sep 25Liked by Two Grumpy Old Men on Ukraine

He certainly has a certain sly cunning though.

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Sep 25Liked by Two Grumpy Old Men on Ukraine

Plus a lot of the money USA gives to Ukraine, I don’t know the percentage and maybe you can check, is actually spent in the USA for the purchase of American made arms, so this is a benefit to employment in the USA and its economy.

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Sep 25Liked by Two Grumpy Old Men on Ukraine

IIRC much of that hardware includes armaments which are close to their expiration and have rocket fuel which must be used or disposed. Better to give it to Ukrainians to fire at Russians than to go to waste, right?

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I agree TOTALLY Kim. Always better to kill someone than to dispose of expired bullets. Do your neighbors know you harbor these thoughts?

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Sep 26Liked by Two Grumpy Old Men on Ukraine

Please go troll elsewhere Joe of the GRU.

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It’s moral idiocy to coddle genocidal conquerors like Sinwar or Putin. I admire pacifists who follow example of Jesus Christ, but there are also many examples of good people defending themselves from evil.

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The percentage is a vast majority. I don't want to say exactly because I don't know, but the vast majority stays in the US.

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Sep 25Liked by Two Grumpy Old Men on Ukraine

You would think that those around the dumpster fire known as Trump, could use their collective critical thinking skills to see that he is a global embarrassment for America. But instead they wash in his stupidity and double down. So sad to watch America in decline.

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Sep 25Liked by Two Grumpy Old Men on Ukraine

They really don't care about that. The only thing they consider is how they can best enrich themselves.

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Sep 25Liked by Two Grumpy Old Men on Ukraine

They just don't think in the same way that you or I might do.

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That's interesting, and I'd like to take that a bit further with you, if don't mind. What I'd like to know is how you know how people think? It seems we tend to believe that we all think in the same way, but since we cannot see anyone thinking, this turns out to be, at best, a reasonable assumption. In fact, I am not sure if we can even see our own selves thinking. I know I can't. Can you?

The assumption is based, it would seem, on other things like breathing or eating, etc. We all eat and breathe the same way so we assume we think the same way. But even though we all eat the same way, we all do not eat the same things. Some eat carrots, some sardines, etc.

So it must be with thinking, as far as we can figure. We think the same way, but we do not think the same things. Some think only of themselves, and some think only of sex, or power, or revenge, or hate, or how stupid everybody is, while others think of sin, or trying to be better people, or love, or knowledge, or truth, or morality, or the quest for goodness, or God.

Eating only carrots will eventually darken one's skin color. I am not sure if any color changes come with thinking only of one's self.

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A man who knows how to use a metaphor like dumpster fire as you do is surely admirable--even if totally unoriginal. Really, you call someone a dumpster fire? Is that what we do nowadays?

On another matter, how do you suppose this international embarrassment dumpster fire got three Arab nations to sign the Abraham Accords? Do you even know what they are?

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Sep 25Liked by Two Grumpy Old Men on Ukraine

Don’t listen to Donald Drumpf about Ukraine. He tried to extort them give over lies about Joe Biden.

No intellect orange dude doesn’t know numbers. He is a prolific liar. Willingly smearing many people and countries on a daily basis. He destroys and kills rather than build.

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Sandy, calling people names like "no intellect orange dude" says more about you than it can possibly say about anyone else. Name calling? Isn't that an indication of arrested development? People do that before they are fully socialized, and we refer to them as children. And if you are still in school, it would do you a world if you'd work on your language and grammar skills.

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Sep 25Liked by Two Grumpy Old Men on Ukraine

Thanks so much for laying out real numbers to counter Trump's usual BS. Now to get those on Threads, on X, on any social or political channel you can stand going on.

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Yes, you are right. Wouldn't it have been great if they had actually provided us with citations and documentation of the real numbers so we could be confident when we reposted those figures on other websites, and so we could defend the veracity of those figures if anyone were to challenge us?

Meanwhile, as a hardworking taxpaying American, does it hurt that much less that it's only 75 billion rather than 300 billion that we have plowed into a war that, despite the jingoistic talk of the Grumpies, our own government admits is about hurting Russia, and is not at all about Ukraine? I mean, do you really feel that 75 is okay, whereas 300 would not be okay? And if 300 would not be okay, then how is 75 okay? You need to help me understand this man. And do you really take much consolation in the fact that the money gets used, in many cases, to make purchases from American arms companies. And have you factored in, that much of the material used in American arms comes from China and other suppliers? And even if all the arms were 100% American-made, have you looked around your town and taken note of just how much of what you see there is the result of profits made by arms dealers? Because I mean, Porter, if there really isn't a Kill Dividend coming to you and your town as a result of all this killing, then that argument is dead (killed LOL).

Okay now, let's put all that aside and get busy posting the Truth on Threads and X. And by the way, what do you think about how our government has been telling social media companies to take down accounts of people who said things that they didn't like. I know it is morally and ethically low to do that, and I know it is against the principles of our Constitution and our way of life, but don't you think we should do it anyway if it helps us get our way? Don't you think that interfering with the free speech of others is justifiable if it is for a good cause, like stopping the Orange Ogre from getting into the White House?

I am not sure where you stand on this, but as a true American, what do you imagine will be left of America after we let our government suspend our Constitutional Rights?

Nuff' said here Porter, time to get posting on X.

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Hi Joe - I don't understand what it was in my two-line comment that set you off. The only thing I'd add is that member countries of NATO in Europe have spent higher percentages of their GDP's on arms and assistance for Ukraine than America has. DJT claims they're way behind us and it's all on the backs of our taxpayers, but that's not true. One other thing - I canceled my membership in X/Twitter a long time ago as I don't want to be involved in anything that Musk is up to.

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So I guess we won't have the pleasure of your company on the Mars flight.

Set me off? I wasn't set off. I am not a rocket. I don't expect you to answer any of the many questions I put before you. Perhaps you can't, but I think it would behoove you to consider them. Each one of them.

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Sep 25Liked by Two Grumpy Old Men on Ukraine

Considering that the truth is all the "aid" to Ukraine is primarily spent in the US for weapons manufacturing in the rust belt states that are now experiencing an economic boom and job growth, Donald Trump would make disastrous choices that would harm Americans in his push to give his hero and handler Putin a win in Ukraine.

For anyone who reads this: The US primarily sends expiring munitions to Ukraine and older weapons systems that were scheduled for destructions. The US is SELLING the systems to Ukraine ultimately through Lend Lease Act agreements. This means the US is getting brand new prices on old stock equipment AND saving on the scrapping costs of munitions and systems. The billions in aid is a combination of these inflated (selling for new cost a 30 year old Bradley) and selling expiring missiles and shells while producing brand new stock and increasing US stockpiles in case WW3 does actually break out. Trump is a literal moron. This EXACT scheme was done from 1939-1941 giving munitions and weapons systems to the UK. It took the US out of the great depression and ultimately propelled the US to be the world currency and dominant economy for the past 80 years. Only an idiot who has multiple bankruptcies would think supporting Ukraine is bad for the US in any way shape or form.

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Very interesting, and somewhat sad, points you make, Chad. As a non-American, I would love to see the sources you're basing your argument on...

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Geez Chad, you are a great historian! So is that why the UK didn't do too well against the Germans--all those rusty armaments we sold them? We all had no idea! Do the Brits know how we fucked them, or is this our little American secret? Shhh! And the coolest thing you pointed out is how, in the event that WW3 does actually break out, we will have shiny new stuff with which to kill the handful of survivors. That's GREAT!

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DT is right on the stupidity and senselessness of this war. Joe Biden and his Neocon pals provoked this war. A million casualties and counting. Now some of our small vassal NATo partners want to escalate the War. Putin and Russia are threatening Nuclear war. That’s correct. One mistake from any NATO country and Russia will attack us with nuclear weapons.


The sooner this war is ended the better. Trump is right to negotiate peace.

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Sep 26Liked by Two Grumpy Old Men on Ukraine

It is not true that the USA provoked Putin. That is the excuse that Putin and the Russian hierarchy keep promoting. And many in the USA repeat. Ever since he took over their aim has been to attempt to return to the boundaries that the USSR had before it felt apart. When Ukraine gave up its nuclear weapons the USA, the UK AND Russia promised to protect its sovereignty and borders. All have let Ukraine down but Russia is the only one that has actually stolen its territory.

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Go read Jens Stoltenberg’s, NATO General Secretary, speech to the EU parliament a year ago this month. He admitted the facts.

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Your orange hero is a vassal of Putin. He spouts Russian propaganda. Time you rethink your allegiance to criminal adjudicated rapist and felon Drumpf.

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He is a rational actor. He does not believe that the Ukraine “needs” to be in NATO any more than Ontario “needs” to have a military arrangement with the CCP. Joe Biden and NATO provoked this war. We are losing. Today Putin drew another line in the sand. We are one mistake away from Nuclear War. Wake up. Peace. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/top-russian-lawmaker-warns-west-nuclear-war-over-ukraine-2024-09-19/

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I am bewildered by the many who write here who engage in foolishness, and name-calling, and inept ridicule of any points of view other than the one they have been spoon-fed, like little bambinos, by their master. Amidst all this foolishness, no one ever talks about reality.

To your point, I don't think that the avoidance of Nuclear War is the right tack. I mean, there has to be a better reason to learn to live together on this Earth of ours than avoiding all of us dying on it.

Russia cannot have Ukraine become part of NATO and have 3 minutes-to-Moscow missiles installed there. This was clear to us back in the 90's when we asked Russia to pull out of Germany so it could reunite, and it was clear to us in '61 when we forced Russia to take its missiles out of Cuba and, in a quid-pro-quo, we took ours out of Turkey. It is always clear that no matter what we do, we cannot hope to live long enough to fulfill our destiny if we stand over each other with threats of imminent and total annihilation. But IF there is no better reason within us than avoiding total annihilation, I am afraid we seal our fate and die.

And yes, of course, the rulers here have instigated this war. Again, however, we disagree on terminology. I cannot say Joe Biden did this, not simply because he is senile, but because he has never actually run anything. The country has been "handled" by Joe's handlers, as it will be--even more so--by Kamala's handlers. They are the very people who descended upon the ill-prepared and naive Trump in Jan 2017 and attempted to "handle" things for him. And they were none too pleased when he turned out to be less than amenable to their mendacity.

And I agree. He is a rational actor. A bit of a bungler, a bit of a rogue, and not always the articulate gentleman we'd wish for in a President (though Obama should have cured us of that desire) he is nevertheless intuitive and rational, and committed to both leading the world away from war and to leading us away from the self-destructive ideologues who aim to destroy the West. What really should happen --and what was in the offing as the Soviet Union broke up--is that we engage with Russia, with its energy and its innocence, and bring her within the fold of Western culture.

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Well said.

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So how much of Ukraine should they give to Putin to get temporary peace, with sufficient time allowed for Putin to rearm? Hey, be sure to say hello to Putin and your friends at RT for us or even better, wish them ill. Russia is in flames, the Muscovy economy is collapsing (sell those rubles now before they go to 2 or 3 per penny) and the army is a corrupt disaster. But they've got old rusted nukes on missiles that no longer work, so let's be sure to duck and cover. Still, Putin's days are numbered, as is the future of the Federation. Xie of China will be thrilled that he'll get back Manchuria and a whole lot more in the east.

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I am sure you are right about the amusing things you say, like saying hello to Putin and wishing a significant part of our European heritage in flames. And I am sure the Russian army has it problems, as you suggest. So let me ask if you know how well the American Army is doing? Do you happen to know that, "The Department of Defense developed a method for estimating the number of young adults who would be eligible to join the military. In 2020, its Qualified Military Available study estimated that 23% of Americans ages 17–24 were eligible for military service." This is from https://usafacts.org/articles/military-recruitment-is-down/

In case you do not want to stop and do the math, this means that 77% of the 17 to 24 years olds in the USA are not fit to become soldiers. I am wondering what you might think about that and if you will have anything amusing to say?

On other matters, do you have any idea the terms of the peace treaty that Putin and Zelensky worked out in Istanbul? Do you know who pulled out at the last minute? Do you know why?

Also, where did you get the idea that Russian missiles are rusted and no longer work? Is it because they bought them from us on one of Chad's Lend Lease Act deals where we sell off old stuff for 3 times what they are worth?

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Try therapy.

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Ah, but this is so much more therapeutic. And you are unable to mount even a single reply because you know very little about all this. Yet you come here and say empty things. Go back, and think.

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I'm a little grumpy too. The Ukrainians are not sacrificing their lives in order to live in a "free country" but to defend a government installed in a CIA coup; Ukraine is yet another banana republic, with a big banana--resources, germ and bio warfare, and a 3 minute missile ride to Moscow. There is nothing "political" about a person's thinking that we should not be involved there the way we are involved. Not all of us think as you do, Little Red Riding Hood. Why are the thoughts of those who do not agree with you dismissed as cheap political expediencies, whereas yours are just right--not too hot, not too cold, but j-u-s-t right?

Your angry arguing is very similar to the Pet Dinner debacle. Donald said it was about Duck Soup. Perhaps that only happened once, but what it's really about is that 20,000 Haitians are devouring a small town and Donald Trump let us all know. The guests were not invited, nor could they have gotten there on their own. So how did that happen Grumpy, and do you think the people of Springfield should take the same sort of action you praise in the people of Ukraine?

Let's hear it for the people of Springfield with a matching grant like the one we've given to the people of Ukraine! If anyone doesn't have a heart for the Americans in Springfield Ohio, he doesn't have a heart at all. I hope that's not you.

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Whatever Russian stuff you have been smoking, mate, stop. Ukrainians made their revolution, not the CIA, I was there. And yes, they are fighting and sadly dying for their freedom.

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Guys, love you, but do not agree with you. What is an acceptable end state in Ukraine to stop the killing? The only people that you need to blame is Joe Biden's reckless and weak leadership that allowed Putin to go for it in the first place. History hasn't been written yet, but I do not think it will be kind to the 46th president of the US.

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