Sep 26Liked by Two Grumpy Old Men on Ukraine

To watch that video and still vote for that literally ignorant imbecilic moron is an indictment of how far the USA has decayed . All that was missing was a huge red neon flashing arrow pointing down at Trump with the words Putins Puppet

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Sep 26Liked by Two Grumpy Old Men on Ukraine

I have the feeling he is getting desperate and becoming increasingly unhinged. What is most disturbing is the fact that so many people are eager to put someone with a criminal record in the White House. None of this helps Ukraine. The EU and other Nato countries will not dessert Ukraine. I have faith in that.

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I fear the worst, John.

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Only if European Democracies don't vote in Right Wing Extremists.

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Sep 26Liked by Two Grumpy Old Men on Ukraine

Lying is like basic speech to him at this point, even of it kills people.

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Sep 26Liked by Two Grumpy Old Men on Ukraine

I’ve played golf. So, by Trumps logic, I am entitled to take Mar-a-Lago for my land. What an idiot.

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Sep 26Liked by Two Grumpy Old Men on Ukraine

Clearly Putin has started to put the screws to Traitor Don. Expect more and more desperate attempts to appease Putin from the Trump Campaign as Putin threatens to release the kompromat including the infamous “Pee Tapes”. Trump will release his army of reptiles led by his lover of all things sofa - Vacuous Vance - to carry his water for him when travelling the campaign trail. The fun has just begun.

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You think Putin is pressuring him? After I choked down my rage, I asked myself what Trump’s purpose could possibly be. I suppose he literally believes the US is squandering money on a lost cause, and sincerely believes all the russian propaganda. Or ya, maybe putin’s whispering sweet deals in his ear. Money deals.

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Do a close read of The Dossier’s last five pages with colloquialisms and his rages in mind. The kompromat is in there when you define terms.

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A virtual fount of misinformation, spewed for his boss, Putin. I find Trump to be a totally despicable person, but I wonder, would he give away parts of the United States to other countries? What about returning Tejas to Mexico, California and Florida to Spain? That's roughly equivalent to what he's asking Ukraine to do, and it's despicable.

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Russia lost a lot of wars, Afghanistan for one. That was a Historic indicator that we never should have gotten into it with them. So far Alexander the Great, the British Empire, the Soviet Union and now the USA have lost wars in Afghanistan. This is why we need to teach accurate History, both USA and World, in our schools.

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Thank goodness that a man with an actual brain,supports Ukraine than someone who is just a masquerading nazi in a sharp suit.


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Sep 27Liked by Two Grumpy Old Men on Ukraine

Trump is evil. Ukrainians are kicking ass and taking names. Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦

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Sigh. I’ve seen so many people wail about “forever wars” and “warmongers” who supposedly want to send America’s sons and daughters into the newest iteration of Iraq/Afghanistan and yes, even Vietnam.

Ask them when Zelenskyy ever asked for American troops and they can’t answer but they JUST KNOW he will.

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Sep 27Liked by Two Grumpy Old Men on Ukraine

I wonder if anyone has stopped to think what Trump would do if the USA was invaded? Would he surrender any part or which states to get peace, like he suggest for Ukraine.

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“God is dead!” declared Nietzche.

“Nietzche is dead,” replied God.

Who got the better end of That deal, hmm?


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Who are these “grumpy old men” who want America to continue to fight the forever war that Joe Biden and NATO expansion provoked in the Ukraine? Do they not know Volodymyr Zelenskyy won election in 2019 on a peace ticket and desire to implement the Minsk Agreement?

The Neocons that are in power in America are behind the disaster that has produced a million casualties, left the Ukraine losing, undermanned and calling for desperate funding for long range missiles that can hit the heart of Russia including Moscow. Do the grumpy old men realize Russia has been clear they will respond with nuclear weapons and a declaration of war against NATO?

The Elite Party of War in Washington is putting America in harms way. Trump, Tulsi Gabbard and RFK are all right in calling for peace less we risk WW3 and nuclear confrontation. The Neocons and Zelenskyy should have negotiated day 1 when Russia offered. But Joe Biden wanted war that now threatens Americans directly.

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Sep 27Liked by Two Grumpy Old Men on Ukraine

Rubbish, rubbish and rubbish. I see you read history at the University of Kremlin propaganda 😀

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Yeap, been living in Ukraine a decade (Ukrainian wife), been displaced twice, 2014 from Makiivka (now in the so-called DNR) and Pokrovsk after the re-invasion. We've hit some hard times, but we are still here and we are not going away. I wonder if Trump is aware we had a constitution in in 1710, well before the USA became a "country"! Trump needs to google "Constitution of Pylyp Orlyk". https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Constitution_of_Pylyp_Orlyk

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Sep 27Liked by Two Grumpy Old Men on Ukraine

When was the last time anyone stood for PRINCIPLE. Trump only understands a DEAL.

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Thanks for summarizing Putin's Talking Points. You forgot to mention gay Nazi drug addicts, crucified Russian babies, and language-based genocide by CIA-supplied bioweapons. Maybe next time.

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It’s as if he is reading from a script written by Putin.

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Just heard a lovely quote"Trump makes Neville Chamberlain proud". "The US was using $300 million per day 15 years ago in Iraq and Afghanistan. What we've given Ukraine is the equivalent of 6 months of the Iraq war..".General Steve Andersen.

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Anti-Ukraine rhetoric like Trump is spewing is NOT a winning general election strategy. UKR is not playing a large role, but I expect Trump is alienating the Niki Haley swing voters.

I'm glad Trump is talking this way. Better to get the ugly truth out in the open. Republicans who have been convincing themselves that Trump is actually tough on Putin needed this kick.

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